A thought regarding 'plagiarism'

Feb 28, 2010 00:39

This topic has kinda been talked to death all over the internet(4 chan as well, believe it or not).

I'm not going to repeat a lot of it, Nick Simmon's son is very foolish, probably going to get his ass sued hard. Amidst all that, I simply find it amusing.

That aside, I'm reminded of the time that the person behind D. Gray Man has been accused of it as well. I recall seeing a video which showed those moments, and where it was copied from. The video didn't end there, it showed various models and manga where 'positions' of models were copied.

...This is where I think a line needs to be drawn with "What's Plagiarism?". Copying someone's art style and overall appearance(Hair, eyes, yadda yadda, hell, even personality to a small extent). But when we start looking at a person's position...

Let me explain. Say we take JD's trademark position of the head tilt from Scrubs.

And someone replicates the exact position of the head tilt and perhaps even a faint trace of the smile, but otherwise, his appearance is completely different from JD.

This is where I have a problem with this. When we look at positions and say that it's plagiarism, that makes shit all sense. That's like saying you can copyright arch-types, or a certain hair style, you can't do that... Well, if a person can, it's stupid. I don't know enough about copyright laws.

Now, onto my final point, going back to Nick Simmons here. Yes, he obviously traced appearances and style, that's why he's guilty of plagiarism. I do not deny this in the least. I simply wish to address that a person's position of body is not enough reason to claim plagiarism.

Again, not implying Nick is not guilty. It's obvious he did more than that.

Off topic, this game is awesome
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