eclecticmuses May Prompt: Write a letter

May 23, 2007 06:01

(( OOC Note: This is based on RPing with lovely_damage. ♥ ))


I know she's worth looking like a pathetic idiot for. Trust me, I get it. And if you had even a snowball's chance in hell I'd tell you to go for it and keep trying. But the fact of the matter is that you had your chance, you fucked it up, and she isn't interested anymore. You want more from her than she's willing to give and you want to give her more of yourself than she's willing to take. No means no and I think she's said it pretty clearly. You're making yourself look needy and desperate. Your weekly reminders are more creepy than cute. And my Tuesdays are a little worse for it because instead of that gorgeous smile greeting me, I get an eye roll and a complaint about how you still haven't given up. Give up; it's my turn now. Pay attention if you want to see how it's done, but face the facts -- you lost and it's time for you to move on.


letter || 170 words || t

*eclecticmuses, # adulthood - personal, !journal-style answers, ~cameron

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