Mar 11, 2008 20:05
Do happily ever afters exist? Very simply: no. Nobody's happy all the time. I don't think very many people are even happy most of the time. It's human nature to be dissatisfied. Even when someone is happy, it's not enough. They want more. "Happily ever after" is purely fictional. It only happens in stories. And even then, not in any good ones, and it's a complete cop-out.
Dammit, I'm starting to sound like House...
I honestly don't believe in "happily ever after," though. "Contentedly ever after," maybe. I can see someone settling, saying "Good enough" and not actively complaining. But show me someone who says they're truly happy and I'll show you a liar. Or maybe just someone with pathetic standards, I don't know.
Anyway, my point remains. Happily ever afters do not exist because everyone always wants more than what they have, even if what they have is good.
dissatisfaction || 150 words || k
# adulthood - personal,
!journal-style answers