thetenspot: 058. Ten Hopes/Dreams I Didn't Achieve

Dec 27, 2007 14:31


01.) A happy marriage. I've given up on that one now.
02.) Beating my Dad at golf. I've given up on that one, too. I'm good but I'm more likely to single-handedly cure cancer than I am to best him in a round of golf.
03.) Single-handedly curing cancer. (No, but it'd be nice to help somehow. There's still time for this one to come true.)
04.) Watching the John Wayne Cavalry trilogy all the way through in one sitting. I've tried many times. Never made it.
05.) When we were kids, my mother used to constantly say things to my brothers and me about her having grandchildren one day. I wanted to give her the first one but Chris beat me and I lost interest.
06.) For a while I seriously considered trying to get into college on a baseball scholarship and maybe eventually playing pro. I probably could have done at least the first part of that except I was injured in my junior year and my plans fell through.
07.) I wanted to graduate first in my class. I did in high school but I wasn't trying then. I made an effort in college and still only made third.
08.) I've always wanted to own a racing sloop. There's still time to accomplish this, but ... my hopes aren't really up.
09.) Out-eating House at White Castle without getting sick. Either he cheats somehow or he has steel guts.
10.) Getting the hell out of New Jersey. I did, kind of. But I came back.

# adulthood - personal, !journal-style answers, *thetenspot, # adulthood - professional

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