Everybody Knows: Shit Happens

May 10, 2010 18:32

У меня на стенах висят три плаката, содержание которых я хочу запечатлеть на память.

Первая серия - плакат "Everybody Knows: Shit Happens", который пытается передать сущность философско-религиозных теорий (и не только) одной короткой фразой на тему того, что Shit, дескать, Happens. Старая шутка, в общем. На русском языке припоминаю подобный список на тему пальцев (типа, "Марксизм: Пальцы первичны; Экзистенциализм: Где-то у меня были пальцы..."). Но неважно. Итак.


TAOISM: Shit happens

CONFUCIANISM: Confucius says, Shit happens

BUDDHISM: If shit happens, it isn't really shit.

ZEN: What is the sound of shit happening?

HINDUISM: This shit happened before.

SIKHISM: Leave our shit alone.

HARE KRISHNA: Shit happens, rama lama ding-dong.

ISLAM: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.

NATION OF ISLAM: Don't take no shit!

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS: Knock knock, shit happens.

PROTESTANTISM: Let shit happen to someone else.

CATHOLICISM: If shit happens, you deserve it.

JUDAISM: Why does this shit always happen to us?

ORTHODOX JUDAISM: So shit happened already.

TELEVANGELISM: Send money or shit will happen to you.

MORMONISM: Excrement happens.

AMISH: Modern shit is useless.

BAPTISM: We'll wash the shit right off of you.

ATHEISM: I don't believe this shit.

AGNOSTICISM: What is this shit?

RASTAFARIANISM: Let's smoke this shit!

NEW AGE: Visualize shit happening.

SHINTOISM: You inherit the shit of your ancestors.

HEDONISM: I love it when shit happens.

SATANISM: Sneppah tihs.

EXISTENTIALISM: What is shit, anyway?

SCIENTOLOGY: If shit happens, see Dianetics p. 137.

DARWINISM: Survival of the shittiest.

EINSTEIN: Shit is relative.

MYSTICISM: This is really weird shit.

VOODOO: Shit doesn't just happen -- we make it happen.

WICCAN: You can make shit happen, but shit will happen to you three times.

CAPITALISM: This is MY shit.

COMMUNISM: Let's share the shit.

MARXISM: You have nothing to lose but your shit.

MATERIALISM: Whoever dies with the most shit wins.

AMERICANISM: Who gives a shit?

PSYCHOANALYSIS: Tell me about your shit.

SUICIDAL: I've had enough of this shit!

OPTIMISM: Shit won't happen to me.

FEMINISM: Men are shit.

TREKISM: To boldly go where no one has shit before.

SHAKESPEAREAN: To shit or not to shit, that is the question.

DESCARTES: I shit, therefore I am.

NIHILISM: Bad shit will always happen. And then burn it.

FREUDIAN: Shit is a phallic symbol.

LAWYERS: For enough money, I can get you out of this shit.

ACUPUNCTURIST: Hold still of this will hurt like shit.

DOG: I just shit in your shoe.

CAT: Dogs are shit.

MOUSE: Oh shit, a cat!

POLITICALLY CORRECT: Internally processed nutritionally-drained biological output happens.

FAMILY GATHERING: Relatives are shit.

DISNEYISM: Bad shit doesn't happen here.

VEGETARIANISM: If it shits, don't eat it.

FATALISM: Oh shit, it's going to happen.

ENVIRONMENTALISM: Shit is bio-degradable.

STATISTICIAN: Shit is 83.6% likely to happen.

HIP-HOP: Motherfuck this shiznit, beeatch!

TANTRISM: Fuck this shit.

CYNICISM: We are all full of shit.

SURREALISM: Fish happens.

записная книжка, tequila!, философия

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