Depends which strat you use, the most common strat for phase three is to have all raid members stacking on each other and when one of those large sparks drops the raid moves all right or all left.
Make sure your raid leader puts a marker on a drake (use a square or a diamond, it's near impossible to see the other markers amongst the sea of red and orange). Preferably you want your raid to be stacked up before malygos shatters the platform and falls onto the drake.
Things to remember: * Once you're at the same height as the raid you don't need to move up and down anymore, so take your finger off your space bar.
* Bartender will always swap your primary bar for the pet bar, and all bindings that go with it. Rebind your primary bar to 1234 (these are close enough to your fingers to reach anyway) and you won't have a problem.
* Once you've targeted malygos you aren't targeting anything else and all you should be doing is moving left (or right) at intervals, take your finger off your left mouse button.
* I find I occasionly de-select maly by accident if i'm not holding right mouse the whole time, just hold rightmouse and do your movement / attacking with your left hand. If you don't need to click anything then it becomes a lot easier.
* If you want to win at meters (dps wise) there is a trick. As soon as you can target him you want to follow this series of steps in quick order (as soon as you can)
This will burn all your initial energy but give you a free stack to start your rotation. From there on in, the rotation works like this
Press 1 (twice) Wait for 50 energy Press 2 (once)
Repeat until boss dies.
That's the loop. If you're holding rightmouse and strafing with W or D, you shouldn't need to do anything else. I can get around 22 stacks before he dies using this method and romp the meters. My best effort was 31 stacks (engulf in flames for 1.5 million - awww yeah).
Make sure your raid leader puts a marker on a drake (use a square or a diamond, it's near impossible to see the other markers amongst the sea of red and orange). Preferably you want your raid to be stacked up before malygos shatters the platform and falls onto the drake.
Things to remember:
* Once you're at the same height as the raid you don't need to move up and down anymore, so take your finger off your space bar.
* Bartender will always swap your primary bar for the pet bar, and all bindings that go with it. Rebind your primary bar to 1234 (these are close enough to your fingers to reach anyway) and you won't have a problem.
* Once you've targeted malygos you aren't targeting anything else and all you should be doing is moving left (or right) at intervals, take your finger off your left mouse button.
* I find I occasionly de-select maly by accident if i'm not holding right mouse the whole time, just hold rightmouse and do your movement / attacking with your left hand. If you don't need to click anything then it becomes a lot easier.
* If you want to win at meters (dps wise) there is a trick. As soon as you can target him you want to follow this series of
steps in quick order (as soon as you can)
1. Press 1 (once)
2. Press 2 (once)
3. Press 1 (twice)
4. Press 2 (once)
This will burn all your initial energy but give you a free stack to start your rotation. From there on in, the rotation works like this
Press 1 (twice)
Wait for 50 energy
Press 2 (once)
Repeat until boss dies.
That's the loop. If you're holding rightmouse and strafing with W or D, you shouldn't need to do anything else. I can get around 22 stacks before he dies using this method and romp the meters. My best effort was 31 stacks (engulf in flames for 1.5 million - awww yeah).
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