We didn't start Naxx tonight until around 9pm, but we still managed to get Arachnid, Construct and the first two bosses of Plague down by 12:30am. Our new core group is doing heaps better.. hardly any wipes, many bosses one-shot, including Gluth and Thaddius, which I'm particularly happy about. :) Several of the people in the raid got progressively drunk over the course of the raid (including myself) so vent was entertaining. :) It was pretty obvious by the time we got to Heigan though that people were feeling a bit worse for wear, and the raid was called, to continue tomorrow night. :)
I frapsed Patchwerk. I've been meaning to fraps more of our boss encounters, but I always forget to turn it on. I'm liking this video cos I kept the vent chatter in it, hopefully that will make it a bit more entertaining. :) Mostly you can hear Death and Damager talking (and Kez, Adam & Kitty [Annethi] a bit). ^_^ I wish I could figure out how to capture my own voice as well, though I only talked once in this fight, when Death asked for people to stop healing her (I told her it wasn't me). All you can hear is the "brp.. brp" noise of my push to talk button. :-/
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