I've been really busy with real life stuff lately (preparing for a huge gathering at my house on Christmas day - there'll be 20 people there all up, and I'm doing most of the cooking o_o) so I haven't been playing WoW as much as usual. Guild raiding seems to have wound down a bit too with lots of people away doing holiday stuff. Despite this I had a more productive evening than usual, for a non-raid night. I usually don't like doing heroics, but I'll go if a friend wants me to come heal. So I went to heroic Nexus for Verd tonight. I was struck by how much easier it was than the first time I healed heroic Nexus. It was pretty much cake, though the rest of our group was kinda rude and a bit noobish. Anyways, I frapsed us killing Telestra, just.. cos I can xD
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A while afterwards, Yuge got me into a 25-man VoA. It was the first 25-man I've done. I'm a bit undergeared but it was still easy with lots of other good healers. It was fun, though I was at the bottom of the healing metres.. to be expected due to my gear and discyness :D