Oct 22, 2008 15:26
After talking about running a guild Kara for ages, and repeatedly asking people - in game, on the forums - if they were interested, and getting hardly any response, I finally decided to just make a Kara event on the calendar and invite people as they logged on and were interested. Immediately almost a full group was keen. This group, is made up of nothing but warriors, druids and priests... but since Kara's been nerfed, I think we can run with that.
Anyway, I changed the guild announcement to let people know that a Kara was being organised. What I did not realise was that our guild leader was interested in coming along. I've always been under the impression that Lilac wasn't particularly interested in endgame raiding - stemming back from around the time when I first joined the guild and I heard her say that she wasn't really looking forward to hitting 70. She just never really seemed that keen on anything other than soloing.. I never saw her asking for instance groups, and I had never, ever seen her express an interest in going to Kara. Now Lilac is currently level 68, and today she asked me if there were any minimum gear requirements to come along to Kara. I told her there weren't, but unfortunately all the spots for the raid had been filled bar one, which had been reserved for a geared healer. She told me ok, but then Cy (another officer) began whispering me & telling me that Lilac had been working really hard to level to 70 for Kara, and that she felt that she was being left out of guild events which wasn't fair since she is GL. I was like wut?? This was the first I'd heard of her even being interested in Kara. I apologised to Lilac in guild chat for not sending her an invite and confessed that I didn't know she wanted to come to Kara. She answered like she was pissed off and I was like O_O! I grovelled for a bit but slowly got angry. Why should I be made to feel like I've done something wrong when Lilac never gave me any indication previously that she was interested in coming to Kara?? Also Cy seemed pissed off that all the raid spots had been filled too (I didn't invite him, as he's still level 66) as he has been rushing to level up so he can come to Kara. Why should I be made to feel like crap because I invited guildies as they expressed interest? And Lilac always knew that I planned to organise a guild Kara - if she was interested in coming, she should have told me directly.
Lilac also told me that she could not set up Vent, because of her computer being in the middle of her house where her sons were around.. Personally I don't get this, because she could quite easily plug in some headphones and just listen to us on Vent, she wouldn't need to speak at all. And the detailed screenshots I have posted in the guild forums should make it extremely simple for even the most computer-illiterate person to set up Vent. So her Vent excuses aren't really valid at all. When I tried to explain to her the need for Vent in Kara (especially for first timers) she eventually said that she's not ready for Kara then, and she will wait until she can get her computer away from her boys. Hunh??? I really don't get her aversion to wearing headphones in front of them?
ugh, stupid guild drama is stupid.
spirits of the moon,