I have a habit of writing heaps of notes as I'm reading up on loots to look out for, things to farm for, talent builds, quest chains I wanna do, etc etc.. my desk is therefore covered in little bits of paper with said notes, mostly unorganised (though I've started using paperclips lately :D). Anyways.. it's all getting a bit much with two 70s.. so I'm going to attempt to organise my current Panacea goal lists here for my own reference (will strike them off as I get through them).
Shattered Halls
Grand Warlock Nethekurse
- Pattern: Spellstrike Hood (mats: 10x spellcloth, 5x Primal Might, 1x Primal Nether)
- Bands of Nethekurse
Shadow Labs
- Pattern: Spellstrike Pants (mats: 10x spellcloth, 5x Primal Might, 1x Primal Nether)
- Robe of Oblivion (pre-FSW)
- Silent Slippers of Meditation
Blackheart the Inciter
- Wand of the Netherwing
- Brooch of Heightened Potential
Ambassador Hellmaw
- Jadenfire Gloves of Annihilation
Quest rewards
- The Soul Devices: Shattrath Wraps
- Into the Heart of the Labyrinth: Shattrath Jumpers
Old Hillsbrad
Epoch Hunter
- Time-Shifted Dagger
Black Morass
- Bloodfire Greatstaff
- Mana-Etched Crown
- Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration
Pathaleon the Calculator
- Incantor's Cowl
- Baba's Cloak of Arcanistry
Mechano-Lord Capacitus
- Warp Engineer's Prismatic Chain
Sethekk Halls
Talon King Ikiss
- Sethekk Oracle Cloak
- Incantor's Trousers
- Trousers of Oblivion
Warlord Kalithresh
- Sash of Serpentra
Hydromancer Thespia
- Scintillating Coral Band
- Kara key quest chain
- Arc key quest chain
- Kurenai rep & Halaa raiding for talbuk
- Level cooking & fishing
- Mats for FSW
- Robe: 14x shadowcloth (7x Primal Shadow, 7x Primal Fire, 7x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave), 16x Primal Water, 4x Netherweb Spider Silk
- Boots: 8x shadowcloth (4x Primal Shadow, 4x Primal Fire, 4x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave), 12x Primal Water, 2x Netherweb Spider Silk
- Mats for spellstrike set
- Hood: 10x spellcoth (10x Primal Mana, 10x Primal Fire, 10x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave), 5x Primal Might (5x Primal Earth, Water & Air), Primal Nether
- Pants: 10x spellcloth (10x Primal Mana, 10x Primal Fire, 10x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave), 5x Primal Might (5x Primal Earth, Water & Air), Primal Nether
- Dailies for gold, save for epic flyer
- Grind Cenarion Expedition rep for hippogryph
..that's quite enough to keep me occupied for now, and I haven't even gone into Panadoll's goals (she doesn't have as many, but still..)
Damn that's a lot of primals. -_-