**Spoilers, duh.**
The Good:
-HALLELUJAH WE FIND OUT WHO THE LIGHT IS TODAY. Turns out it's an organization of the world's premier supervillains, e.g. Lex Luthor, Ra's Al Ghul, Brain, etc. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, and this is hardly a new concept in superhero lore so I'm not quite sure why it warranted such a long build-up. But I'm just so dang happy that they won't be teasing us about it anymore that I don't even care.
-Justice League cameoooooos. <3 Hello, Guy! Hello, Blue Devil! Oh, hey, nice to see the Arrow Family back together, I don't think I've ever seen that in a cartoon before.
-Hey, nobody's treating Miss Martian like a helpless female anymore! Yay!
The Meh:
-Black Adam's looking kinda Amazo-like here. Not really important, and it didn't really bother me, just an observation.
-This is the second time that a school bus has had to be saved from plunging off a bridge in one of the hero's home cities. Not that there's a problem with that, I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into as common a motif as bankrobbing in Brave and the Bold.
-Artemis: "I feel naked. And not in a fun way."
Aqualad: "We will make our own fun."
Me: O_O
I mean jeez louise, are the censors just drunk over there at CN? Between this and some of the stuff they get away with on Brave and the Bold, I'm beginning to wonder. Seriously, guys, you have no excuse to not be airing "The Mask of Matches Malone!" anymore, any attempt at protecting the kiddies went right out the window with those lines.
The Ugly:
-Oh dear Rao, THE JOKER. This is honest-to-Azar the WORST Joker I have ever seen in my life. Even my sister, who barely likes this stuff and gets pushed into watching it by yours truly, was horrified by this guy ("Tell me that's not the Joker." "Okay. It's not the Joker."). It's like he was trying to do a Heath Ledger impression and failed horribly. If the Joker ever shows up again, he BETTER have a different voice actor and a different (aspect of his) personality to boot.
-*sigh* Again, Miss Martian's catchphrase is not endearing or adorable, it is annoying. Or maybe it's just the way she says it. In any event, please get rid of it.
It looks like this show has finally hit its stride. It took a while, but this is actually starting to get really interesting. The main plot is beginning to move along faster now, and I look forward to the next episode more every week. They're really moving up the ranks here! Congratulations, YJ producers, you have officially received the Panaminty Seal of Approval! *STAMP*