Sep 12, 2005 12:05
Well, I've had my new car for about 6 months and STILL haven't gotten around to selling my old saturn. So, I had to jump start the battery on the old car yet again and I vowed to REALLY sell it this time. I went out and washed the many, many months of dust and dirt off the exterior and decided the only way I'd ever sell this car is to force myself to drive it until it is sold. *sob* I like my NEW car! *whine*
So I drove her to work today. Actually, its not a bad car but it just isn't... you know, new! In fact, it is 9 years old but I think one could get another 80,000 miles out of her before she needs a boob lift... er, new engine.
Sure enough, I actually got the car listed now in a local car related web site and at Craigslist.
I hope it sells quickly, I want to drive my new car!