We have had a couple of warm days, well above freezing, and the snow is mostly gone. The yellow crocuses on the south side of the church are blooming. Ice is out on the river and people are starting to believe that it might not be winter forever.
It's forecast to snow the next few days, of course. Probably not too much accumulation, just enough to be gray and raw and miserable and cover up some of the dirt.
It was very windy the end of last week and someone's purple plaid scarf ended up in our front yard. Have tied it to the front doorknob in case its owner should happen by - we did ask the one neighbor if it belonged at his house, and he didn't think so, but noted that'd he'd had a black neckwarmer wander off, and I assured him that if it turned up in our yard we'd let him know.
One year when the snowbanks melted we found a grill cover at the bottom of the driveway and assumed (correctly, as it turned out) that it had blown down from the neighbor across the street.
Hills. Wind. Winter. These things happen, and stuff ends up finding its way home eventually.
Still restless. Looking all over the internet but not sure what I'm looking for and haven't found it yet.
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