Рекомендации австралийского правительства по путешествиям на Украину

Sep 29, 2014 23:31

Зашел снова на австралийский правительственный сайт http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/, который по всем странам мира пишет рекомендации, чего опасаться австралийцам в каждой стране.

По Украине, как и большинству стран в Европе, был до этого года указан уровень опасности "Exercise normal safety precautions" (т.е. соблюдайте стандартные меры предосторожности), выше стоит более опасный уровень "Exercise a high degree of caution" (соблюдать большую осторожность при визите, примеры таких стран - Уганда, Венесуэла), а Украина сейчас получила статус еще более опасный "Reconsider your need to travel" (Подумайте, стоит ли вообще ехать). Такой же статус имеют Алжир, Либерия, Мавритания и прочие страны дикой Африки.

Впрочем, пока еще Украине не проставлена высшая оценка "Do not travel" (ни в коем случае не стоит ехать), которую имеет на сайте Афганистан, Ливия, Ирак. Не за горами? Пока такую оценку, приравнивающую регион к Ираку и Афгану, на сайте имеют регионы Донбасса и... Крым. (так что каждый побывавший в Крыму в этом году может считаться в Австралии крутым экстремалом, рисковым парнем :)

Исходя из этой оценки, туристов из западных стран вряд ли можно массово ожидать на территории Украины.

А вот что они пишут про Украину подробнее (кто понимает язык иноземный, тот поймет :):

We continue to advise Australians not to travel to the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, including the MH17 crash site, due to a tense and dangerous security situation. We also advise Australians not to travel to Crimea as it is not under government control, and to reconsider the need to travel to Ukraine overall.

The security situation in other regions is also unpredictable. Tensions are at a high level across the country and the security situation could deteriorate further without warning. On 26 July 2014, the Mayor of Kremenchuk in central Ukraine was assassinated and an attack took place against the Mayor of Lviv in the western region. There were also reports of renewed fighting in the east.

Australians should continue to avoid locations where demonstrations and large public gatherings are evident, as even peaceful protests may become violent.

Donetsk and Luhansk: We continue to advise against all travel to the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk due to ongoing conflict and the highly volatile security situation. There is continuing heavy fighting with loss of life in both Donetsk and Luhansk. Conflict has occurred in a number of towns and cities in these provinces, including Luhansk, Slovyansk, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, and Svyatohirsk, and may occur again without warning. There have also been localised attacks during times of cease fire.Australians in the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces should leave by commercial means if it is safe to do so. If you are unable to leave, limit your movements, avoid demonstrations and public gatherings, and be alert for risks to your safety and security.

Armed groups continue to control areas of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, and have established illegal road blocks and checkpoints. These groups have threatened, detained, and on occasions kidnapped, individuals for hours or days. Journalists should exercise particular caution and seek specialist security advice.

Дальше пишут, что увеличивается на Украине количество грабежей и преступности и стоит быть осторожным по ночам в центре Киева:


The rate of crime is increasing in Ukraine. Robbery, pickpocketing and bag snatching occur regularly particularly on public transport, at crowded markets, in popular tourist areas and in bars and nightclubs. Drink spiking, with the intention of robbing the victim while incapacitated, has been reported. Street scams are common. Criminals are known to target foreigners.

Australians should take extra care at night in the centre of Kyiv as there have been reports of an increase in street crime and muggings.

Далее: вождение опасно, водители пьяны и агрессивны, дороги очень низкого качества

Driving in Ukraine can be hazardous. Roads outside major cities are of a low standard and poorly lit. Drivers can be aggressive and ignore the road rules. Rural roads are often used by unsafe vehicles. Driving under the influence of alcohol is common despite the zero tolerance law. Pedestrians should take particular care as drivers may not stop at crossings and may park on footpaths. For further advice, see our road travel page.

Вот такая в целом получается безрадостная картинка для австралийского туриста...

Украина, советы путешественникам

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