Oct 27, 2005 21:30
its always different, when its you.
its always different, when your not the one that has a choice, its always different when you do the same as others, (but its okay for them, because they are not you.) its always different when the shoe is on the other foot, its always different when your not the one in control, its always different when different people are involved, you know what. ive decided, its just always different for me. i must be the fucking exception to everything, i should have my own book of rules and regs. just for me. why, this thought i have not come across before. i have, but it was different back then.
my phone is in my bin, in my room. am i going to need it. no. so where does it go. the bin. because i take my anger out on objects that dont speak back. but knowing my luck. the piece of shit will stop working..
anger, is a funny emotion. but you know, too bad i wasnt feeling it.
you know when, you write things. and then those things you write, which are in the past. such as this sentence, is now in the past.. anyway, back to my point. when you write things, and then they come back to bite you in the arse. yeah. you know what i mean. well. suppose this is the disadvantage of saying things outloud. i have a recomendation to the people that experience such things as word digging their teeth into your soft parts, shutup and quit while your ahead. or just create buns of steel and wear a hector at all times. or hire a hit panda. this hit panda will be quite a special panda. its asian, so it knows the way of the ying and the yang and it also knows how to fashion super sharp weapons of mass destruction out of bamboo.. now who doesnt want one of these cute, fuzzy wuzzy animals? tell me, ill send one around to your house to show you what they can do, hopefully making an example out of you
so if humans are such smart beings. why do they constantly fuck up? whats going on there.. the best way to learn, is to learn from your mistakes. looks like i dont learn much. either im stupid and dont see my mistakes, or i just dont make many. it appears, you have a growth, this growth is killing you from the inside out.. growing from your brain, down to your heart. then from there, it just strangles all that it can, obvious signs of this growth, are weak legs and stupid actions which are deemed 'wrong' by others.
word of advice, if you notice such growths, kill them instantly. you are not running a homeostatic envrionment, and if we all pray enough you may die, if not and 'god' doesnt answer our prayers, you will live. much to the disgust of about 4 people. possibly 3 if one pulls out.
if your dog is on a lead. and it wants to not be on a lead. should you let your lead go? from personal experience, my dog just choofs off, or tries to attack the guinea pigs. both of which are not desired outcomes. i want a dog which i can take for walks, that doesnt need a lead, because i feel restricted by the fact it is on a lead. how must the animal feel. if it wants to sniff butt, let it i say. but it must return to me, as i am the master. you know, my frontal lobe is bigger then its.. so i win, evolutionary style. germans, are good like that..
is it true that hitler was just misunderstood?
(if you are good at linking things. dont even try here. becuase there is nothing to be linked. each paragraph represnets a differing thought in my head, which is yet to make sense to me. except the panda, i just like panda bears.. the only problem is that the thoughts will never make sense to me, as i will never revisit them. i just needed to splurge before i went to bed, because im doing the freaking HSC..)