Day 09 - Best scene ever
I thought this was going to be just as difficult as when I tried to answer the tv show question about best scene, especially considering how much I love the mummy movies (except, obviously, the third one) and the battle royale movies. As it turns out it really wasn't, because my answer comes from neither of these movies. It comes from brokedown palace (which i've also already mentioned.) Note: If you haven't seen brokedown palace, and you are going to, and you don't want the ending to be spoiled do not read on.
The trial scene - Brokedown palace (I mean the one at the end, there are of course several trial scenes.)
Bassicly this is at the end of the movie, and at this point the two friends - Darlene and Alice - are completely broken down. Seriously, they've been ill, imprissoned, misstreated and they finally attempted to escape and it went wrong. Evnetually their lawyer, who can see he won't get them out any legal way, bassicly blackmailes them out of prison. All they need to do is sign a piece of paper, then they will be pardoned and let go. Unfortunatly it's all a trap and once they sign they are told that they won't be pardoned, and since they just signed that their story was false they're pretty much screwed. The guards start putting chains back on Darlene who completely freaks out - admitadly I have no idea why they put chains on her but not on Alice, maybe they only have one guard? I need to rewatch that scene - anyway, Alice, seeing this, breaks free and tries to talk to the judge. WHo actually allows her to talk and she bassicly confesses to the whole thing, but the judge is not impressed and the guards start dragging her away until Alice offers to do both their times. At which point the judge states that she's of strong character if she's willing to lie to him, if she's not her friend is innocent, either way her friend is pardoned but only if she's willing to serve both their terms. And so Darlene's chains are taken off and Alice is dragged away. And the scene ends with them just looking at each other.
It's, in my opnion, the best scene in the movie, and the ultimate point in their friendship. What's most interesting is that we never actually learn who did it, or if neither one did it and it was the taxidriver or something, not even the judge makes a proclamation.
I loved it.
Day 10 - A movie you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Honestly? Lord of the rings.
Yes, I know, it's a very well loved movie. What's more it actually totally falls into my loved genre and everything, including the blurb, indicated I woudl love this movie. And yet it took me six tries (and two hobbit movies) before I even managed to make it through them. I just couldn't get past the first half of the first moive, for some reason it just didn't work. Eventually I gave up (I think that was on the fifth try ) and decided that it just wasn't for me. But then I saw the Hobbit movie (yeah, I know, I thought I woudl hate it. My friends and I have this thing that if we really want to see a movie and we can't find anyone to go with we'll go with each other, but the other friend has to go see a movie we really want to see.) And I loved it. But it still wasn't enough, in fact it wasn't until I saw the second movie and then read the hobbit book that I decided I was going to make it trough the first trilogy no matter what.
And boy am I glad I did.