Day 05 - Movie you loathe
I honestly don't know. It's kind of like with shows, I tend to just ignore the movies I don't like. When I'm watching them I might hate them at the time but I forget it pretty quickly. Well, obviously the third mummy movie but I already talked about that one. Euhm....Breaking dawn I guess, I hated that story, but admitadly I did have fun watchign it if only because it was so stupid.
Honestly the only movie I can remember sitting in the cinema thinking I wish I were anywhere (and i did mean anywhere) but here is 'Hansel and Gretel witch hunters.' So I guess that's my answer.
Day 06 - Movie that makes you cry every time
I am Sam
I only saw this movie because it was playing on TV that day and there was nothing on. But you know what, I am happy I saw this movie. Because despite the fact that it makes me cry and it's heartbreaking, it is a truly beautiful movie. I love it. Alright in short it's about a man who's mentally handicapted and has the mental age of a seven year old. He gets a woman pregnant and she leaves him behind with the baby because she doens't want to rais a child with him or a child that could be like him. (It does begg the question as to why she slept with him in the first place but that's beside the point.) Everything goes well until the girl turns eight and gets smarter than her father. She tries to stop that but of course it doens't work. (There is this truly great scene where the teachers explain to Sam what his daughter is doign and he makes her read a diffficult word he can't - and probably never will be able to - pronounce because she has to learn. She doesn't want to, but he makes her, because he's her father.) And then the courts take away his daughter, and the rest of the movie is him and this lawyer trying to prove that he can do it. It's sad, although it does have a hopefull ending.