Aug 05, 2013 16:38

Lol. Its just a doodle I made last Friday, while I'm in a meeting at work. xDD Its supposed to be Ochan while performing 'two' or at least his wearing the costume for two...? That's how I pictured it in my mind. I don't really draw, I suck at making the body, especially body with movements. OTL But, whatever, it was fun, and it made me awake throughout the meeting. xDD

Ohh. And if you happen to notice, at the top left corner of the tissue paper (yes, I used tissue to draw on), and the pen is a gift from a co-worker of mine, Lol! xDD aaaanyways, those are katakana characters (believe me or not.) DX I'm starting to self learn it, but I just suck. DX Oh well, I haven't lost interest in doing it yet, so, I'm just gonna continue, practice makes perfect, right? ;)

There. :3

things i made, doodles

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