Dec 01, 2004 18:19
ahh... i missed out on school again taday :( but HEY!! i still went shoppin at glendale :) me n kendras pops dropped david n kendra ta school this morning.. then her pops dropped me home.. n mommy was sittin in the dining room waiting for me with breakfast :) well, david, kendra, n i went to go back to work at echo park once again!! it was super cold! we had ta help out with registration n everything... it was boring as hell!! so tiring! i got to talk to my long lost buddy, danny!! havent spoke to em since sunday? i think? .yeah well then we got off work at 8oo.. their pops dropped me to my casa.. then i get uh phonecall frm my neighbor, tellin me, jimmy n his daddy were havin problems, n he just left n walked outta his casa.... poor boo!! soo jimmy came over for uh bit to look for uh place to stay for tonight, but he couldnt sleep over my casa cuz his momma knows where i live :) but i still prefer monkey for kendra!! not JIMMY for kendra!! eh eh!! welp, adios!!