Since this is Pam Beesley we're talking about, I figured one of these snazzy permissions posts were in order.
Backtagging: In most cases, this is a yes.
Threadjacking: Allowed and encouraged.
Fourthwalling: Yup, this is allowable. I would, however, ask for discretion when dealing with the fictional character barrier. Pam's not allowed to question her existance on that kind of level sob.
Is there anything offensive to you that we should be mindful of? Anything goes for this. Pam's more than capable of delivering a verbal smackdown when necessary.
Gore level comfortable with? Keep this to the minimum please. Pam's life is as normal and mundane as they come (well, comparatively) and extreme violence is way outside her comfort zone. Fight logs are a definite no, and anything beyond the typical injuries are also out unless we have plotted them expressly.
Hugging, kissing, touching, flirting with this character? Jim Halpert has the monopoly on all of this. Your character is welcome to try, but be prepared to get shot down. She's a happily married lady. Friendly Hugs and touching depend very much on her familiarity level with the character, so please use discretion on that.
Fighting, injuring, and killing this character? Like I said, fighting and injuries are only allowed with OOC planning and I would really like to keep them to a minimum. Killing is a big fat nope.
Any other info? Pam can pull chainsaws out of her pockets. Just saying.