Apr 14, 2003 16:35
I stayed home sick caz that damn boat ride got me sick.
*Talked to seth on the phone for a couple hours.*
Ice day?
Cat's mummy picked me up and me and her went to see CHICAGO for the second time! Gawd that movie is THE BEST! Then we went back to her house and hung out for a while and rented *the sweetest thing* but we didnt get to watch it. I went home round 8/9/10 ish......i dont member
*Talked to seth on the phone for a couple hours.*
Umm......what did i do wednesday......oh yeah.....it was my first day back for a week. I got to see my lover seth......BUT my other lover (mrs.rollinger) was absent....that made me depressed. Not to mention....we didnt do any real work in geometry so i was math deprived.... *sigh* lmao
I got my test paper back in geometry and i got a B+....whoa nelly that made me feel dumb. Only caz i knew i could've aced it...my bad :D (<~"cat's smiley face")
Anywayz, i dont think i really did anything on Wednesday...i'm a loser
*Talked to seth on the phone for a couple hours.*
It was a half day. I went straight to Mrs.coulter's room and waited for pizza, when me and cat realized it was gonna be a while...we decided to go to the gym and help the custodians set up all the chairs...that was fun......
Then the pizza got there, we ate, then we went down to the gym. When we got there, all the whorish 8th graders who didnt plan on doing any work were complaining caz "oh i want this teacher, hes my favorite......BLAH BLAH BLAH"..so i had to be the mean one and tell them that we needed the team teachers covered caz....umm.....duh....thats who the parents come to see! So, yeah, since meriam wasnt saying anything (where were you to back me up meriam?! EH?!) they all went crying to mrs.gray..and w//e......they think i'm evil. I'm just crushed....why dont they like me....like...totally....i mean....they are like soooooo cool....and i just ....like totally want them to like me! HAHAHAHAHAHA.....i'll just file that case under....."could care less".
Anywayz,in the afternoon conferences i worked at mrs.martin and mr.rossi....and sadly...i had fun hanging there w/cat and lil melissa. Good times....
After the conferences, me and meriam were waiting for my mom and i expressed my love to mrs.rollinger...i told her i missed her bunches and that i was depressed when she was absent.....LMFAO!..the sad thing is....it was all true.
Me and meriam came back to my house.....got comfortable on my water bed....wink wink... no.....we just talked for a while...it was rather pleasent. Then, round 5, her sister picked us up and bought us wendy's. She paided for me....gawd i hate when ppl do that.....but it was nice of her sister. Me and meriam ate dinner on the stage....JUST LIKE LAST CONFERENCES!..then....it was back to the hell hole.
Hardly anyone showed up for the evening conferences..i didnt do much..i was over by gant and coulter. I helped amber w/her algebra....kinda...i saved charity's life by giving her my gatorade (electrolytes!) and i had a really good talk w/mr.gant. We talked about how its not a bad thing to sit there in class checking ur answers...and how we get the grade we work for. I dunno..the convo went on.....it was great. *Dont worry, no names were mentioned.....we talked.......strictly school*
After conferences i went home......and who would've guessed it....i ....
*Talked to seth on the phone for a couple hours.*
School was great......school is always great....i really dont remember any of the day...just that it was great....
*after school i came home, took a shower....fell asleep for 2 hours for no reason at all....woke up, called caitlin, she came over,
Did her homework
Made Cds
Ate food.
Ya know....all that fun stuff
We passed out listening to oldies around.....1ish
We woke up...ate some food (thats what me and her do best). then, we go online...only to find out that earlier that day.....my flippin brother had spilled a WHOLE FREAKIN BOWL OF FRUITY PEBBLES IN MY KEYBOARD!!!!!! I'm sure ur wondering if he cleaned it up or not....oh OF COURSE HE DIDNT! .......so...i found out how to clean a keyboard...and i found out that my idea of soaking it in a bucket of water wasnt gonna work....so we had to take
and chisel fruity pebbles out of each key. Yeah, that took a while!
Then, a lil bit later, me and my mom took caitlin home. On my way home from taking her home, my mom dropped me off at caterina's house.
We....watched *the sweetest thing* FINALLY....then we rented ummm.....yeah......*office space* (cat had never seen it b4..even though office space is probably the BEST movie about nothing EVER! and *don't say a word* (we had never seen it b4). All the movies were great. Anywayz, when her mom was on her way home from the store, her mom was like "i got all this stuff to make tacos" and cats like "Pam hates tacos!"....even though i didnt tell cat to say that... soo....when her mom got home.....she breaks out a bag of Arbys and goes "here i got this for you pamela!" THAT WAS THE NICEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE FOR ME....no..not really......but it ranks really high up there. So, me and cat feel asleep watching office space so we turned it off, but then the sec we turned it off.....we both were like WIDE AWAKE....so we talked into the wee morning hours about EVERYTHING. It was great. We went to bad around 3/4 ish.
Me and cat woke up and found out that jill,carin,and meriam wanted us to go to the movies.....we said we'd go and later called and said we werent. *we wanted to stay home and watch harry potter 2!!!!* so, i guess NONE of them ended up going so i decided to invite jill and carin over to cat's house. We all talked n' shit....and walked up to 7-11 and got candy and slurpees...When we came back....we watched harry potter 2 w/them and the rest of cat's family..it was great! My mom drove jill home and i got home round 7/8 ish.
I wrote my articles that were due like 2 weeks ago....then i talked to....my one and only......caitlin on the phone for a bit.
*i talked to that other kid....ya know.....SEXY SETHY on the phone for a couple (hours) until my phone died.
Woke up......great day....went to school.....still great day. 1st hour...damn it..we have homework (being outside for 15 minutes)...umm..yeah...looks like the works of crazy coulter again!
2nd hour- played hockey....ashley c scares me....she beat me up in the locker room
3rd hour- Geometry..i was all giddy....i LOVE MATH LIKE NO OTHER.....and since we were doing work and everything..i was just sOO happy.
4th hour- I found out that there is a way to incorporate math into sex. We like to call it....Natural Family planning..or something like that.
*i was telling seth that i love math and he was like "so, sexy jazz music wont turn you on, but a crazy math equation would" and now i finally found the way into my heart..(or my pants!)LOL!!
6th hour- BAND IS MY FAVORITE CLASS.....I LOVE MRS.ROLLINGER...just wanted to let you kids know that.
7h hour- yeah....boring....i guess...
Bus ride home- i was beating dennis up and i took his hand and punched his face w/it and he gave himself a fat lip.....LMAO...it was great!
Now...i'm sitting here like a loser wasting my time writing this LONG MEANINGLESS journal entry....for all that read this WHOLE thing....thanx for sticking w/me...i love you guys.
*for everyone who just read the bottom.......FUCK YOU!!!
I g2g to some special thing for the board of education 2nite for NJHS..that should be fun! YEPEEEEEEEEE
This famous phase is being heard more and more lately.....what does that mean.....SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST HERE!!!!
Ok.....i think i'm finally done.....how should i end it......should i say.....peace out...or...i'm outtie....just to make myself look cool...or should i leave a convincing last statement so ppl leave me a comment? How about an offer....
10 bucks if you leave me a commemnt......
20 for 2..........
and so on.......
Well...i'm outtie! Peace out........LMAO!!!!