Freedom From Religion?

Jan 19, 2010 17:02

AIIIIGGGGHHH!!! The Evile Christians Who Will Stop At Nothing have tainted our muslim-killing guns with Bible verse... reference... numbers! This is an outrage! After all the money we paid this company that says "In God We Trust," which was voted on in a congress session that was opened with prayer, how could we have expected religion to taint our holy *unholy* war???!!! Everyone is all, "We just wanted to kill muslims, not make a big deal about religion." :oP Whatever.

The funny thing to me is that, if a secular group had not called attention to this encoded message, nobody probably would have noticed, making it a non-issue, since they claim it "looks bad" to the enemy. They actually turned it into a problem by making a big deal out of a few numbers and letters on a gun. Freedom of religion and freedom *from* religion are two different things. Constitution guarantees the former, not the latter.
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