A Fun day...

May 07, 2010 20:39

I've been very neglectful of this blog lately, but wanted to share some pics of today. It's really something I enjoy so much even though I'm wiped out by the end of the day. I don't understand why a full day of visiting wipes me out, but it does. Maybe because your energy has to be so high to engage 150+ kids at a time. If you divide that by the average classroom, your energy level must have to be five times that of a teacher and I think that's about right. I know. I used to be a teacher and I was never this zonked (although I was much younger.)

There are levels of school visits and this one ranks among the highest. A good school visit has students prepared for you, excited, and ready with many questions. They are wonderful readers and thinkers and creatives and they are sponges full of energy. A great school visit will go that extra mile to make you feel special and let me say, although most schools do make you feel special, not all are as attentive. The best will have a parent with you the whole time, helping you, talking with you, and making sure you have everything. This school that I visited today had that and more. Wow. Now I'm spoiled. I usually don't get pics of my visits because I'm way too busy to take any, but since I had a mom assistant, she took pics for me, so I'm posting them.

<---This is a mural that the very talented librarian created out of bulletin board paper. She has these types of murals all over her walls. This is the last page of Multiplying Menace. I know Wayne Geehan will be thrilled with her rendition. It made the visit so special for the kids!

I've seen a bunch of cakes like this from all of you, but this is a first. It made me tear up--I couldn't help it!

This is my last school visit in California. I have a Skype visit in Arkansas and that will round out my year. I'm sad to be leaving this great state because they really care about reading!

princess peepers, school visits, multiplying menace

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