Jan 30, 2011 15:04
How could I forget to mention the best part of the power failure??? On Wednesday night, I slept with the cats over in the workshop. (I usually sleep over there.) It was in the 50's so I wanted to dress up warm enough. I had on my pajamas plus a sweater plus extra blankets. One of the cats I don't usually sleep with was over there, and I invited him to sleep with me and the other cats. So I'm all snuggled into the covers and the cats are on the bed when the one cat starts leaping around. Then he pees on me!!! Ewwwwwwwww.... It got all over the sweater, on the pajamas, on the pillow, some of one of the blankets, and on the sheet. Ewww... So I have to yank everything off the bed and throw everything in the bathtub and change. It really really didn't make my night!!! Of course everything had to sit there in the tub until today. Sigh...
Boy what a difference a few days make! Today it's in the 40's and sunny! Go figure. At least all the snow is off the trees so hopefully it won't happen again anytime soon!