Let me remind them of my promise...

Aug 18, 2003 17:27

So shopping was good. I finally got my new phone...it's so awesome! And I didn't have to pay a $1000 deposit. I put it under mom's name and she didn't need to pay a deposit. So I payed for the phone myself and I'm going to change the bills to paperless bills so that she doesn't even get one in the mail. That way, I get an emailed bill and I pay it myself. Cool.

Less than one week. I think it hit me last night at Meagan's when I saw everyone and the first thing they asked was "when are you leaving?" When everyone answered and when I answered is when I realized what was happening. I grew up with these people. Where are they all going? Where is my childhood going? Unreal.

Staying in tonight. I wasn't feeling great last night or this morning, so I think I'm just going to work on packing. Shawn is coming over for dinner and he's gonna help. A nice relaxing night, and a home cooked meal. Just what I need.
With all the rushing around and being out, I realized that I haven't had a home cooked meal since Sunday. Last Sunday. For the past week and a day, every meal has been bought somewhere...McDonalds, Starway, Mountainview, Bugaboo, random other stores. That's pretty bad. I better get the home cooked stuff while I can.

Wanna take bets on Brad writing back to my email? I say chances are slim to none. That makes me sadder than you guys know.

Made progress on Erin's present. Yay.

Andrew called me today.
He's on his way home.
I couldn't be more happy or sad at the same time..
I've missed him so much, but I know I have to say goodbye.

Why did I have to grow up?

6 days
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