Apr 23, 2005 01:24
Well, here I am and it's almost 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. It's too freakin' hot in my house and my allergies are bugging me. I'll survive though.
Yvonne, I hope you and Sara have fun in Spokane tomorrow! Enjoy the pool for me!
Ryan, I hope things went well for you at the Swing Into Spring dance.
Katy, I love you and hope things will be going better for you soon.
Kathy and Marisa, love you guys and I hope you have a good weekend!
Josh, Happy Birthday! well I guess that would have been yesterday, oh well, still. I sent you an email earlier.
Tom, hope everything went well with the One Acts, I heard they were well done.
I love you all! Have a good weekend, we'll see if I can get some sleep! :)
Night Night everyone!