where am I?

Aug 02, 2006 21:02

ahh This week has been so confusing lately so I'd prefer not to think about it.

I FINALLY saw POTC2 yesterday was amazing i want to see it 1 million times over and over and over again, and auf englisch would make it even betttterrr

my host dad is being a major bum

it's my last week give me a break, no... like I'd want to say goodbyes to all my friends... naaah why would i want to do that, when i could sit around the house and eat jogurt all day.. arrrgh. you'd think for ONE week he could be atleast a little bit more flexible... or understanding.... nooo we'll disguss this in ruhe tomorrow morning, and then maybe you can go. tooo badddd i'm going anywaaayys

haha this makes no sense, i know but yeah

i'm being overwelmed with weirdness, is not fuuuuunnn
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