Jul 25, 2006 19:31
three more days of school. I can't believe we are down to the finally week, nichtsdestoweiter the last three days!! ahh!!
I need to speak to the headmaster though about how things work out with the beweis that i was here in school and what not because the teachers get really quite confused when they must do something differently then they normally do.
it's as complicated as it sounds, really
tomorrow i go the päffgens for lunch :)
thursday is wandertag... and then LISA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!
Friday we get our zeugnises and then have our klassenparty which is supposed to be richtig FETT!
the only downside is my host sisters and host mom are going to be away for my last week here, i think they planned that on purpose, hahha. but it makes it harder for me to be able to see everyone one last time becasue then my host dad can#t drive me places cuz he has to work, arrgh kompliziert!!!
i'm ´making a scrapbook, i'm so proud of myself
catherine and daniel are coming to´me next weeeek
i don't think I'll be able to visit nadine :( that's a huge bummer
what can you do??
what can you do´with a drunken sailor what can you do with a drunken sailor what can you do with a drunken sailor earlaaaay in the moooorning?
what does deliberate mean again?? i mean i think i know but i was reading something that wrote in englisch like ages ago... and i forgot that word existed and now i can't remember the exact meaning... waaaah