Nowadays Race is just a Stalking Horse

Sep 16, 2005 01:44

Question: What's Bush's opinion about Roe vrs Wade?

Answer: He doesn't care how people leave New Orleans. (thanks numerous LJ sources for that joke)

Bush is not a racist. He likes black people a lot, as long as they're conservative and wealthy. He doesn't care about the New Orleans victims, not because they're black, but because they're poor, and he doesn't care about poor disadvantaged people. They just often happen to be black.

Race is used by people to get what they want: the only reason Clarence Thomas made it to the supreme court was that he was black, and any criticism of his horrible views got dismissed as racist.

Poverty is the state that really attracts discrimination, and the victims don't seem to realize that what's really keeping them down isn't racism, it's lack of money. No money, no political power. And their own racism prevents them from joining together as a class to demand better, free education, which is the only real route out of poverty and up the class ladder. Bush and the neocons use "family values" and "God" and other such platitudes as bread and circuses to keep the poor and disadvantaged from demanding that the rich share a bite of their pie. Divide and conquer works great to keep the masses down.

We could end up in a class war in America. Wouldn't it be ironic if Marx turned out right after all?
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