Dec 24, 2012 20:29
One mince pie, two vegan pumpkin pies, one pan of pear crisp for the pumpkin-allergic and mince-averse. I made an overflow small dish of the pear crisp and gave it to Raphael, so I have advance notice that the crisp is very good. I used red pears, and when I tasted a slice to see how sweet and how ripe they were or weren't, I regretted not getting more for just eating.
No pies swooped out of the oven, flipped over, or landed any way at all that I did not intend. However, the new kitten named Ninja kept trying to get into the oven -- the 425 degree F oven. I finally had to shut him in the media room. He and his sister Nuit also tried to get into the refrigerator, but this is less immediately an emergency. He also discovered today that he could jump up onto the countertop, so the pies are all cooling in the cat-free zone, where they impede the last-minute wrapping of presents.
I have been quite worried about my ancient comedian, Aristophanes the orange cat, because his appetite had fallen off. It may be that he was just bored. I opened a can of a food he doesn't get often because it doesn't have the best specs for a cat with kidney failure, and he ate a reasonable amount. I'm sorry to be spending tomorrow away from him, though.
May you all have as much or as little festivity as you wish.