令人流淚的手繪看板 -- 神鬼奇航2 篇(Hand-made Banner of POTC2)

May 08, 2006 23:45

Anyayway, 神鬼奇航2的手繪看板,在我去日本前終於現身了,本來想說要在日本當地寫好LJ放上來的,但還是個字---懶(毆到爆)


I know it's been a long long long time I updated my LJ last time, but I don't think there are any people who really cares.
I am really bad at describing things in words...so, I don't care too much about this.
The fact is, that's all because of my LAZINESS. ha
Took these photos before I went to Japan, yes, another time, for GRE. I was planning to update my LJ then, but still....uh.
It seems that the artist who drew the banner got his/her skill improved in portrait, except women's.

potc2, kaohsiung, orlando

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