Cartoons and Other Diversions

Oct 06, 2007 23:55

From time to time I make cartoons from screencaps.  Yes, I'm aware that is quite dorky, but as Darryl says,"I just can't help myself."

On the MTT Photoshop forum we started doing these crazy Officecatz that are inspired by the lolcats of icanhazcheezburger
People either really like those, or they really don't.  I happen to find the things hilarious, and so after the cut, I'll share some of mine.

I told you these things are silly.   Yeah, I have more of them.

Pipe down, Team Karen - that was just for a goof.

Whoo-hoo, gamer grrlz FTW!

Why, Melora? Why?  I don't care if you think The Job was the first time you really bought the Jim/Karen storyline, just STFU.  kthx.
I'm sorry. Was that mean? [/pam]  Whatevs.

Wow, this is long, huh?  TWSS.  Okay, just this last comic and I'm done.

officecatz, cartoons

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