Nov 22, 2004 18:25
Well, things seem to be looking up. Spent some time with my Tim, and I think things are going to be getting better, they definitly weren't looking too hot there for a while, but hopefully those times are behind us, I just can't wait for things to be normal again.
I also spent sometime with Kelly this weekend! She looks great, we all went out the the movies, Kelly, Keith, Tim and I, and if you didn't know her you would never think she's had a baby. Even though I wouldn't trade Emallie for anything in the world, it was nice to just be teenagers again and go out together. God I miss that.
So I'm going home in three days! Can't wait for Thanksgiving!!! It's gonna be great, with the whole family there and everything! The only thing that sucks is work, but I'm kinda excited to go back, I miss the people that work there, and I really need the money...LOL...but not really. And another thing to look forward to, Harry Potter comes out tomorrow! Can't wait to get it, we're having a Harry Potterathon wahoo!
Ok well that's about it! I know this is short but I really can't write about a lot, it's basically what I'm feeling, but if you wanna know, ask. I love and miss everyone so much.