I'm 24??? ...birthday highlights

May 20, 2008 19:26

Oh man, I am still reeling from the awesome dances I had this weekend!
Saturday, my actual birthday, Bill and I went to Tropical Heatwave, a
music fest sponsored by the local radio station. We invited a bunch of
dance friends to go, but nobody ended up being able to come. It was my
fault, I shouldn't have picked something that cost so much money-
especially since most of my friends are dancers. But anyway, the bands
there were just Ok I would say. I really liked Julie Black, a somewhat
local blues artist that also played at Skippers Smokehouse when we
danced there a few weeks ago. And I got a real kick out of this guy
who sang in a flamenco-style rock band. I don't even know exactly what
it was, but the singer was SO amusing. He looked like he was on
something, whipping his hair and dancin around all sweaty with his
shirt open and flailing his arms about in a manner akin to
flamenco-on-crack. I should have taken a video, witnessing this
hilarity totally made my night. I was disappointed that nobody really
came out, but I hit a couple parties afterwards that were fun and I
basically got to see all my friends that I didn't see at the Grotto
last night. I hit Sam's going-away party at her house in Tampa for a
couple hours, then Keith's apartment by USF where he was having a
blues party. I went to bed about 5 am, woke up Saturday and cleaned up
and left my aunt's house, as I'd been housesitting for her all week.

Sunday night at the Grotto…oh my gosh, one of my best nights EVER. It
was just one of those nights where everything was ON. I felt great,
ALL my friends were there, even a couple people from way out of town
that couldn't normally come to Tampa on a regular night. And my
birthday jam….amazing! It's going down in the history books as my best
jam circle experience to date. I think Hurley did a freakin' backflip
while he was dancing with me, but it was all a blur. A very fast,
amazing blur. The whole night I was on such a high- and I think I have
my friends to thank for that. I am really going to miss everybody if I
move away. Not because I don't think I'll make new friends and have
more amazing times, but just because I've been here so long that there
is a huge amount of comfortableness and familiarity with people that I
will have to build up again in a new place. So many of my dance
friends here I've known long enough that we've had those special
"talks"- the ones that made us friends rather than acquaintances, even
if we do only see each other when dancing. The Grotto will always be
my home away from home.

Anyway, I have a phone interview tomorrow morning for a job in Atlanta
that I'm really hoping I will get. I really want things to start
moving already! I feel like I'm in a stuck place right now. This one
is a fund accountant position with a company called Madison Grey, and
from the looks of their website they do the back office work and
accounting for a variety of businesses and investment companies. But I
don't think they are an actual investment company. I'm going to spend
some time reading up and preparing tonight so I'll be ready when they
call me tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

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