
Jimmy is sleeping much better now!!!!

Jan 26, 2013 20:54

That sleep doctor we went that Children's hospital in Lexington totally rocks!!! He just made a few minor changes to our bedtime routine, and now Jimmy goes to sleep on his own, without us in the room - this is the fourth night running! He has also slept through the night the past three nights - hopefully more of the same tonight! The changes he made were small - mostly he said it was important to be consistent throughout the night, (no disappearing parents or music) and for him to learn better how to go to sleep on his own. That way if he woke up in the night, he'll be more likely to go back to sleep on his own. He also said rewarding him for sleeping through the night was the wrong tack - not really under his control. Instead reward him for going to sleep without mom or dad in the room, and that would probably take care of the night waking. He said the rewards don't have to be big or very motivating - they can even be an activity you already do, such as "special book time with mommy", the point was to acknowledge his achievement and make sure he knows it is desirable behavior. Also he said move the bedtime back to when he was actually falling asleep, so he would be sleepy at bedtime for sure.

Here's the current bedtime routine:
1) In-bed time at 8:30 or when sleepy. May need to be earlier if no nap, just to bed when sleepy.
2) Brief tuck in - about 10 minutes of stories or songs. Make sure Jimmy knows where parent is going, parent needs to be where they say they will be (in my bedroom). Then parent in bedroom.
3) Maintain consistent bedroom environment -no music or lights that go off.
4) If calling out - parent can go in every 3-5 minutes with a brief, CALM reminder to go to sleep. Can include brief reassurances.-
5) if leaving room or getting out of bed repeatedly, may need to take light bulb or or put gate(s) on doorway. (This really bothered me - I said we might as well just lock him in his room, and he said that just scares children to death. Fortunately I only had to take away a light bulb once, and he stopped.)
6) Sticker in morning for going to sleep on his own. Special time after 3-4 stickers.

It is working so well!

Here's a pic of Jimmy in his new jammies from Grandma!

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