Jimmy just went poopy in the potty! Not only that, but he (kind of) told me he had to go before he went in his diaper!!!! Whoo hoo! Actually, he did the strangest kid of antsy dance, and acted like he had already gone and his poopy was burning him, and he told me he needed a diaper change. He has a bad rash right now, from being in a wet swim diaper too long at the splash park, so I figured he had gone and it was hurting. But when I went to change him, he was completely dry. So I suggested he sit on the potty, and for once he didn't scream "no!", and about two pages into green eggs and ham, he went! Whoo hoo! I guess he finally understood what i was saying about if he puts it directly into the potty, he won't get any more rashes and it won't hurt so bad. Here's hoping for a repeat! Oh, and he immediately remembered that I said I'd give him double stickers if he went poop - I guess Ida's suggestion of taping the prize onto the wall where he could see it was helpful!
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