
What a day

Jan 12, 2012 23:48

It's been one of those days... All kinds of crazy. Jimmy woke up at 5:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. At 6 I tried bringing him into our bed... And 6:30 is when Tom got up to get ready for his business trip, so needless to say Jimmy couldn't go to sleep after that. At around 7 I gave up and put on a Thomas e-book on my phone, the kind that auto reads, and dozed for another half hour or so. It seemed to work pretty well, except I had to restart it once for him. Finally we get up and get ready. At 9am I got a phone call from my mom. Apparently jimmy had called her on the phone this morning!!!!

Playgroup was all right, not enough snow to cancel, and it was nice to see folks. However, on the way home I slid in the slushy icy snow and rear-ended Alessandra! Fortunately I was already going slow, so no one and no cars were hurt, but it scared us both. Jimmy spent the whole rest of the way home yelling, "Mommy car Alessandra car bump! Mommy Alessandra car bump!!"

Lunch and nap went ok, he actually took a long nap for once. I read a bit and fixed and ate my lunch. Did some chores. After he woke up, it was time to go to the store, but I realized if I didn't shovel the snow and ice today, (in the remaining hour of daylight), it would be impenetrable tomorrow, a solid sheet of ice. So that's what I did - an hour of shoveling and salting and replacing Jimmy's gloves and explaining that yes, gloves were supposed to get wet when they got I snow on them, no they don't need to be washed or wiped off or helped in any way, and please leave them on!!! Then I proceeded to slide halfway down the hill to the main road, on the way out of our neighborhood.

The store, thankfully, was uneventful. The only thing of note is that I bought Alessandra some flowers as a sort of I'm sorry card, since she was (still) having me over for dinner.

I barely made it up her driveway from the accumulation of ice/sleet in the afternoon (even with the salt they put down), but dinner was great. The boys even played great together. No screaming or rough play until right when it was time to go. Which of course meant that I slid halfway down her driveway, but thankfully did not take out the trash cans at the bottom of the hill, not anything else.

We got home fine, but it was too late for a bath, almost 8, so we just washed up and I read jimmy his Thomas coloring book in place of a regular bedtime book. I rested the bottom edge of the book on him, and he started saying,"owie" and got pretty unhappy. I was like, sorry Jimmy, you'll be fine, it's just a coloring book, when next thing I know he's barfing all over the place. The bed, the crib, the floor, the bathroom, the only thing he didn't really get was me. Three sets of pajamas, two bathmats, and two sets of sheets later later, he had finally reached empty, but he STILL hasn't stopped hurling. He's waking up every ten minutes, just long enough to retch, even though there's nothing left. The on call nurse said if it doesn't stop in the next 45 mins (well 10 mins now), that I should take him to the ER.

So I could be topping off this insane day with a trip to the ER. I just hope he will stay asleep this time!!!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

accidents, illness, jimmy, via ljapp

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