
Yucky weekend

Apr 25, 2011 00:08

This weekend was yucky on a couple of fronts. The weather was just rotten most days. We ended up at the mall yesterday, which was JAM PACKED and almost intolerable. We left the play area after only about 15 minutes. Jimmy didn't even want to run around like his usual self. Here's us in our raincoats outside of the rainforest cafe:

Also things have been a bit yucky because we have had a cold for the past 5 or so days. I think Jimmy is going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow, because when the advil wears off at night, he is just moaning and moaning and can't sleep. I hope he doesn't have yet another ear infection. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I need something for my sinuses myself.

I hate being sick because I just lay around feeling bad and don't have the energy for all my usual chores. Stuff gets so built up! Thankfully we tackled the kitchen today - I did one load of dishes and Tom did two after dinner. Finally starting to get clean, even if there is still a lot of clutter. Just have the other 10 billion chores to get caught up on...

Time for bed, so I'm not utterly exhausted tomorrow!

mall, cleaning, rain, sick, weather, illness

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