It's been a rough week. Jimmy started the week with a runny nose, then he got a monster awful diaper rash, then he threw up for 24 hours, then he had diarrhea, then he had a cough, then finally he got this weird spotted rash. I finally decided to take him to the doctor today. The doc said nothing was serious and we were doing all the right things and he would just take a while get better. Whew! He has been so miserable all week. I can't wait to get my happy boy back... It's been a rough week. All he wants to do it watch The Fresh Beat Band, and I am soooo sick of it. I tried taking him outside for a walk today, to let him poke around and explore, and he just sat down and cried. At least his appetite is coming back. He felt a little better yesterday, but today he was just eating and eating and seems to feel a bit happier in general. Poor guy.
We're also having a rough time with money. We're digging WAY too deep in our savings, so now we really have to buckle down and stick with a budget. It hurts. Every time I turn around, things are costing more - water, gas, heating oil, groceries, even the mortgage has gone up because of the taxes in escrow. Tom cancelled his comics subscriptions, I cancelled the online weight watchers account, we cancelled Gymboree, all our magazines, we're down-grading our cable, we're cancelling Tom's home phone line (his cell phone is good enough now in the basement where he works from home), I'm cutting WAY back on books (guess I'll be making friend with the library), and I'm cutting my garden spending by about 95%. I think we can make it and still let Tom keep his hockey tickets, although he's sharing them with another guy this year. And I think I can keep my cell phone and spend a little on the garden, because the garden should cut down on the grocery bill. *sigh* This sucks. We already got rid of most eating out, and I've been cooking a lot from scratch, but I'm going to have to give up my principles and stop buying organic food. Probably more frozen veggies. Bleh. At least Tom figured out how to fix the baby monitor. Somehow Jimmy broke it, but Tom figured it out.
Let's see, something positive... I made playdoh for Jimmy today. He was verrrry suspicious and wouldn't hold it, only poke it. It was kind of funny. Here's a pic!
Jimmy does this really cute thing where he carries his lovey around in his mouth, so he can have his hands free. So cute! Pic!