The great thaw has begun! Hooray! I am so excited. I spent Jimmy's nap today planting peas - the first seeds of spring! I set up the trellis, and also started to put together some of the row cover frames so I can plant out a bit early. Here's how the garden looks right now:
We went to Jam Time today with Jimmy. It's an indoor playspace. The weather was so nice, however, that in the afternoon we played on the porch and in the driveway and went for a walk. He's sleeping pretty good tonight.
Here's a picture from when we met some friends at the mall playspace last week:
Jimmy is soooooo obsessed with the Fresh Beat Band on TV. I wish we hadn't let him watch TV when he was sick! I'm so tired of hearing the songs! Even though, it really isn't that bad, as far as kid's TV goes. Yo Gabba Gabba is just odd, but fortunately Jimmy doesn't like it. All he does when we're home is point at the remote and grunt, then point at the TV and grunt. Either that, or cry to be picked up. No other toy is good anymore. I've started trying to get out of the house every morning now, just so I don't have to fight with him about it!!!!
Ugh. Time for bed now.