Today was quite a busy day! I got the car fixed this morning, to the tune of $400. No savings this month, but I do have a car that won't bust a drive belt in the near future! The guy showed me the belt - the rubber crumbled when I touched it. Glad it got changed!
James had a big nap after that - we were there until about 11:30, and I stopped to pick up some lunch on the way home. Then we ran to the grocery store - in and out in less than an hour! Go me!
After that Alessandra came over for dinner. James ate with us. We had asparagus, a salad of arugula, beets, and goat cheese, some bread, homemade mashed potatoes, and a big juicy steak. Now I finally have the steak out of my system! James wouldn't eat it. He picked it up, smelled it, and put it back down. I even held it out to him and he was like, nope! I guess new food takes some getting used to. He ate everything else though! Oh, and A. and I had some wine!!! Poor little Francesco was not old enough to join in the feast. Alessandra's husband is working late this time of year, so we're trying to eat meals together some more, especially with Tom out of town. It's so nice to have a neighbor I like! More than one, but the other folks seem to be too busy.
Speaking of things James ate, I had Thai food with Jaimie last night, and James had some kind of reaction to that! This morning he had a rash and a few hives on his belly, and some, at the risk of TMI, green watery poo. It seems all better now, though. I can't think what would have given him the problem - he's had all of the individual ingredients - rice, broccoli, carrots, noodles, chicken, and Pad See Ew isn't spicy. Maybe it was the fish oil, or some other ingredient in the sauce. I guess we'll figure it out if it happens again! It's so nice that he's such a good eater, and I can take him out to eat and stuff. I have to clean the floor after him, of course, but still, to see him trying so many different foods, all kinds of textures and everything, that's just cool. And he's so HAPPY about it. I love my happy baby boy!
He's not always happy though. At Gymboree the other day I was all excited because he was standing up using only one hand for support. I called him to get a picture of it, and this is what I got:
Poor little fellow! I think he got scared because he didn't know how to get down. Usually, he looks more like this:
My little man is growing up so fast!
Oh, and, I only had to change two diapers today. Three, if you count the waking-up in the morning one. Lots of trips to the potty, but it's so cool to find him dry after an hour or two!
And then there's Aiko. I think she's in mourning. She keeps crying at the front door, and at her food bowl even after I feed her. She also misses her daddy. She keeps jumping on his side of the bed and meowing. I am renaming her The Nap Destroyer, for the number of times she has woken Jimmy up this week! I just don't have the heart to keep her out (while I'm in there), because she seems so sad....
Otherwise, things are going okay while Tom is away. I'm just trying to keep busy, and keep up with the chores!