Yesterday was kind of a bust. We went to go berry picking, and no sooner than the car got moving, it started raining. Blah! We kept going to see if it would let up, but no dice.
I did end up having a nice break from James, however. Tom watched him a lot and gave him his bath, and he took two very long naps. I got to read and be alone almost all day! I feel so recharged!
But then that night the stupid drunk rednecks down the street decided to shoot off fireworks AGAIN for like the fourth day in a row and woke James up TWICE. I could have strangled them. Fortunately Tom took charge to talk to them, so there was no strangling. And on his way home a cop stopped to ask him if he knew which house was shooting off the fireworks. Busted!
I think today will be better. The weather is beautiful and we're going to hang out with friends!
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