I just had a great weekend! Spent hours and hours outside in the garden, both at home in the community garden, just planting and making raised beds and pulling out plants for the Arlington Garden Club Plant sale. You can read about all the details here:
http://pamsgardendreams.blogspot.com/2009/04/from-spring-to-summer-in-1-week.html But the coolest thing that happened to me this weekend - My next door neighbor has a 5 year old daughter that is just so cute - very precocious. She learned about composting and nature on Earth Day and wanted to help me in my garden this weekend. I figured - what the hey. She slowed me down a little, but she was willing to take direction, and was just so darned enthusiatic. The next day I also let her help, in the morning, and she also came out and helped me plant blueberries at the community garden.
So Saturday (I think) she comes running over to me - "Pam! I have something for you!" It was a card, with writing on it, and I thought, how cute, I got a thank you card from a 5 year old.
But her mom says, "Sophie, sign it like you did before!"
And I got serenaded by a 5-year-old:
"I love planting flowers!
I love planting flowers with Pam!
Pam is the best flower planter in the world!
Thank you Pam!
I want to do it every day!"
It was awesome. :-)
Also, the chickadees and the wrens are arguing over who gets the awesome birdhouse my sister sent me. :-)