Took the plunge to the other online journal site

Mar 07, 2022 18:44

Finally got the last umpf needed to make the switch and get a new profile at dreadwidth.

Although most of the friends on my flist here are already over there so it's not like they're gonna miss much.

For those who do follow my profile, the very rare times I post "public", I'm on dreamwidth as palusbuteo.

Not sure if I'll transfer old posts here onto there, or it might be 'too late'

so we'll see.

....Apparently I started my LJ profile in Sept. 2003. Holy fuck. almost 20 years.
I guess that's one helluva run on one online platform.

Sort of still amazed I've been on FB for over 10 years now. Jeeze.

Crazy things about this, my iMac G5 PowerPC that I had been using when I started this journal is still alive. In 2013 the HDD failed and sat in storage until 2019-2020 when I decided to see if I could somehow recover it and the drive. It now has a SSD drive and I got everything on the old drive recovered. Although it's totally useless and incapable of accessing the internet so it's a dedicated gaming machine now. >shrug
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