Just saw on theyoutube, CNN's channel "Fox News Anchor Credits COVID Vaccine for saving his life"
I have no idea which Fox News Anchor it is who said this, and frankly don't really care.
(What I >wanted< to read is "Tucker Carlson Dead from COVID")
but, I'll at least take a Fox News numbskull having the BALLS to go on his assclown circus show and say "No Wait this is a real thing you too should get vaxxed!'. (I have no idea if he said this or even remotely close to that, I'm not interested in hearing anything from Fox News numbskulls, and not interested in giving CNN one more view to what is most likely clickbait & delay/misdirected info)
So i'm just going to Pretend. After all, it's what Fox News does 24/7 right? Pretend? Make Shit Up? (and CNN just eats it up like an addict?)
BUT At the Same Time, I really want that, if it's "True" and "factual" that he said that, in those words, over Fox News, that maybe, just barely maybe, he actually reaches a couple of Fox News Disciples and gets them to Wake the Fuck Up and we start seeing covid numbers go down. But yeah I think there's a better chance for lead to be changed into gold, and every passing week I want to be proven wrong.
I am feeling majorly stressed out with the car & Dad situation. And I keep reading/seeing more Freak Out from car & industry people about Shortages and Crises and Everything Else is Going to Shit And It's Only Going To Get WORSE Any Day Now!1!
Let alone the impending DOOM that I feel, like the shadows of Mordor creeping over Gondor skies....I keep seeing "Now is the WORST Time To Buy A Car" but in the same breath "If you HAVE TO buy a car DO EEET RIGHT NOOWW! Because you're going to get Royally Fucked Beyond Belief when the Crisis is Over and everything goes Topsy-Turvy again and the Depreciation on the car you just bought 2-3 years from now or maybe at ANY TIME NOW means you're going to be in SERIOUSLY BAD SERIOUS "underwater" value debt on that car! Holy Fuck It's Gonna Be SOOO BAAAD! It Gonna Be SO BAD for Buyers AND Dealers! We're all totally fucked!!Q!"
And yeah I am facing the brick wall that I will be (forced) to spend the most amount of money I have ever spent on anything up until this point. All of the 5 cars I've had going back to High School, add all of those costs up, is what I'll be paying for a used fucking car....Maybe now IS the best time for me to pursue a Master's degree, how much worse could all of this shit get....Of fuck that's right I gotta replace a dishwasher, hot water heater + State required electrical box, fridge, let's throw the oven in too we've never really liked it THAT much anyway....Oh no wait, Liability Insurance for Living History/Reenacting/"Entertainment" that I've been paying into for close to 10 years is going to end, the insurance broker is getting out of that genre as fast as possible. So now (we'll) all have to find another broker for less coverage and hundreds of dollars more per term.
And the whole "There are no rules!" and "Nobody Knows What's Going On Anymore!" and "The New Normal is there IS no more Normal!" coagulated bullshit as that festers and grows with every passing week.
My "Hate everything in this World" and "Frustrated Beyond Reason" with everything in it and what's going on is increasing exponentially. It Just Won't End. The stress and the annoyance and the cockamamy contradictory bullshittery just keeps piling on top. And it's blocking what little sunlight of "good things" peeking through.
Also...Who needs sleep anyway.