How did we get here? Look at ourselves

Jul 30, 2020 07:32

Dr. Demon-sex is the shining example of why we fool ourselves into believing in bullshit, giving attention to frauds, and not listening or mocking actual doctors, scientists and experts like Dr. Fauci who swore an oath as a Medical Professional to protect/help others and not think only of themselves.

The thin line between Reality and Entertainment has been blurring for some time, and it has to stop.

The Media, if it wants to survive and be taken seriously, has to take itself and its ethics seriously first. There was talk of a new Swine Flu type outbreak looming on the horizon while we're already being gutted with C19, but that one little bit of info came out weeks ago and already completely forgotten/ignored, because it became more important give attention to obvious frauds, charlatans, and obviously corrupt assholes who put on performances and mock others trying to be professionals.

it's pathetic to say the least

Dr. Demon-sex is also showing once again that it's "fun" and easy to mock and shit-parade POC. What a gloriously pathetic way to Trope, and live to the stereotype.

This isn't funny anymore. Not for me. Yeah, I can point and laugh at the people saying the disease is because of gay demon sex or whatever bullshit provides juicy sound bites this week, but, after a few minutes when the weight of the issue lands on one's feet again, you realize we're fucking doomed when we let this horseshit assclown circus parade continue.

It's the worst possible Chicken Little or Boy Cries Wolf scenario.

This shit isn't funny anymore. People are dying from a horrible disease that the experts don't fully understand, that should have been the massive, nightmare-scenario slap-in-the-face with added backhand for us to have taken this dead-seriously.
and no, no pun intended on 'dead serious'.
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