(no subject)

Sep 23, 2009 13:42

Desktop Wallpaper Meme

The Rules:
☞ Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper.
☞ Explain in no more than five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
☞ Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

(Honestly you don't have to if you don't want to, I just wanted to show off and talk about myself a bit.)

My Desktop (23 September 2009)

I'm using the current desktop for a number of reasons, partly because it's a nice, dark, low-contrast image, but primarily because I have a rather strong emotional attachment to the particular Ghost that goes along with this image. If you play the MP3 or FLAC version of track 28 from Ghosts I-IV with a program that supports the displaying of embedded album art (or play this track on the Blu-Ray edition), this is the image it shows. The song itself coveys to me an unspoken message that's sorrowful as if one has endured the pain of many trials, but knows that the worst of it is over and that things will get better.

Oh yeah, and I know some desktop purist will balk at the fact that I have any icons on my desktop. It helps me keep track of the things I need/want to do to have the files and icons for these tasks is plain sight. Financial stuff is on the top-right, some jobhunting stuff to the left of it, programs and programming tools beneath those, and some DOS games below that. The folders to the left contain some .puz files used by crossword puzzle programs.
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