Family Values

Nov 02, 2008 22:29

So, I just had the conversation with my parents that I knew I’d inevitably have. See, we have an interesting family dynamic, one I’m sure is familiar to Kjorteo. I’m the sole Democrat in a family Republicans (with one Libertarian step-brother). I made clear that I didn’t want to have this conversation until after November 4th, because I knew I wasn’t going to change their mind, and nothing they say will make me change my own. Should have just kept my mouth shut about doing some community service as a poll worker.

Now, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. In spite of our vastly different political viewpoints, we do love each other, we do have a good relationship, and when politics invariably comes up, we manage to have a civil conversation for the most part. The only time I got angry was when expressing my disgust over the bail-out, and not at my father; we both agree that it was a bad move. Otherwise, the only time when I was pissed off when they took a condescending tone about “oh, you’re young, of course you’re a Democrat,” as if “being young” were the entire basis as to why I felt Obama to be the superior candidate.

Funny enough, the only thing he seems to really have against the guy is his supposed “I will tax the shit out of you” plans that aren’t even going to affect him, though I took some offense at him insisting I was brainwashed when I said I didn’t think higher taxes would be necessarily be a bad thing, what with our huge freaking deficit. They voted the asshole twice into office, they can damn well pay the bill he ran up. But hey, I’m a Democrat puppy, because a Republican puppy’s eyes are open.

This has me somewhat dreading the trip I plan to take to visit them during Winter break, as the conversation ended with him insisting we spend an evening discussing politics when I come up. And I know it won’t be easy. No clippings I’ve collected to back up my arguments. I tend to mentally file everything away under general terms of “well that’s another reason to vote for Obama/not vote for McCain” after reading and researching.


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