Why McDonald's Bags. Why.

Jul 05, 2010 11:49

Is there just a reason why these bags need to be thrown out the window? Just some compulsion people have when they get McDonald's-to-go, eat it up in their car, and just can't wait for however long their trip is going to be to throw it out in their actual garbage can? Is it just a status thing? Like, you're not cool unless you throw your McDonald's bags out the window? Is it a 'lol' thing where people are like 'ahahaha, oh look. We're defying nature and the law!'

You know it's pretty bad when McDonald's has to actually draw a picture on the bag of some stick figure dude throwing it in the trash -- like people need a picture demonstration to tell them WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE LEARNED TO DO AS A CHILD. But then again, I suppose it's in picture form considering the intelligence of the people who do this is just minimal.

Maybe it's a family thing -- passed down through generation and generation of bag throwers. In a few years, maybe scientists across the globe will be announcing on network television that they discovered the very gene responsible for these bag throwers and are working on eliminating it. Hell, maybe I should go into genetics just so I can locate this culprit gene and destroy it. Because nothing pisses me off more than seeing people use the world as their personal trash can. It's bad enough that sections are designed to just dump our waste -- out of sight, out of mind, yeah?

I could go on and on about that and the oil spill and hippie this post right up, but I think instead I'll just end it with this.

Abide by the stick-figure picture; the stick figure is law.
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