Application/Mod invite.

Feb 17, 2009 21:37

Let's Talk About Your Stats:
Who are you? (Full Name): Mallory Nicole
When were you born? (month, date, year): July 26, 1988.
Where do you live? (nearest major city):Birmingham Al.
Significant Other? (Pictures?):

Describe yourself 2 sentences or less: Well I hate when people say they are random because that has become so common so....I'm eccentric. I'm vegan and I love love LOVE animals

More Info About You:
Tell us your favorite things from these 3 M's; music, movies, and material possessions: I love indie music. Fleet Foxes, Tea Leaf Green, and Kimya Dawson are my top favorites as of now.
My top two favorite movies are Breakfast at Tiffany's and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Hmmmm....material possessions would be my ipod touch, laptop, camera, house, car, all my books, and headbands.
3 Favorite Things to Do in Summer: I go on choir tour every summer. Besides that I love to be outside doing anything.
Favorite Card Game(s): HEARTS!
Favorite Vacation Spot:So far Vail, Colorado.
What trends do you LOVE? Anything that has to do with vintage.

What trends do you LOATHE? Crocs. Yuck.

You Know the Drill:

Friend's journal:
Promotion community:

Let's Hear Some Opinions!
Everyone has an issue that pushes their buttons. What is your's and why?
Who is the prettiest member? Homophopic "macho" men. They try to look all big and say how much they hate gays and that they're disgusted by them and everything. What they don't understand is it makes them look ignorant and like little scared boys. That is one of the biggest things I hate about being from the deep south.
How do you feel about the moderator(s)? I think the one who invited me to join is lovely. ;) I haven't had wireless for a while so it took me forever to apply.
Who is the prettiest member? imadianasaur
Show Us Who You Are and Prove It!


This looks ridiculous. Haha. Sorry but my camera is not unpacked and I really don't know when we will get to it so I know this might not work and if not just tell me and I'll be glad to look for my camera tomorrow. ;)

member - rawwr_malorayy, application, accepted

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